How to Make Crayon Lipstick
Hello!!! I haven’t done a post in a long time! Finally–here is a post! And I’m making it a good one! In this post I will show you how to make…..CRAYON LIPSTICK!
So let’s get started! (But before you start, read all the notes at the bottom of the page!)
What you need to make 1 color of lipstick:
- 1 crayon
- 1 teaspoon coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon olive oil, or shea butter, or vaseline
- a small glass bowl
- a pot or pan
- a spoon
- container to put your lipstick in
What you do:
Break the crayon into 4 or 5 pieces. If you can’t break it up with your hands, use a butter knife on a cutting board. Put the crayon pieces in the small glass bowl. Add the coconut oil. Add the olive oil, or shea butter, or vaseline, whichever you are using. (You could also try using a mix of the three…)
Put a little water into the pot or pan and bring it to a boil. Once it is boiling, place your bowl with the crayon and oils into the pot or pan and start stirring with the spoon. The crayon and oils will begin to melt. Keep stirring until everything is totally melted.
Once everything is totally melted, continue mixing for 3 more minutes to get it super smooth and shiny.
Then, using a spoon, pour your lipstick into your container.
Let it sit and cool and harden for 30 minutes.
Once cooled and hardened, put the lipstick onto your lips with your finger or a paintbrush and have fun!
Are crayons safe to put on my lips? First of all, only use crayola brand crayons because crayola is a good-quality brand and is non-toxic. Don’t use cheap crayons like the kind you get in the little packages at restaurants, because they are not good crayons and your lipstick will not turn out right. Crayola crayons are perfectly safe to put on your lips, because toddlers eat crayons all the time and never get sick.
What can I use for containers for putting my lipstick in? The little containers I used to put my lipstick in were little containers from my sister from a craft kit that had glitter in them. So you can basically put your lipstick in any small container you have lying around your house. You could re-fill real lipstick or chapstick containers, or you can buy those empty chapstick containers that they sell online. It’s up to you on what you want to put your lipstick in.
What do I do with the leftover lipstick in the bowl? After pouring your lipstick into your container, if you still have extra in your bowl, you can either put it into another container, or you can throw it away. To throw it away, put a pile of paper towels into the trash can, and dump the hot lipstick onto them. Then, wipe everything out of the bowl, and wipe off the spoon with a paper towel. Wash out your bowl and spoon. NEVER dump extra lipstick down the drain of your sink!!! The lipstick will harden and clog up your sink and you don’t want that to happen!
Can I mix colors? Yes!!! You can mix colors! The picture right above of the lips and lipstick in the container was made by me mixing crayon colors. You still need to maintain the right proportion of crayon to oil, so all the pieces of different colored crayons you mix will still need to add up to one full crayon.
Does the lipstick go bad? No, I don’t think the lipstick can go bad. But I recommend using it up within 3-5 months of making it.
Does it look as good as regular lipstick? If you make the lipstick correctly, yes it does look as good as regular lipstick! When you put it on your lips, it may be a little chunky, so you will have to smear it around and smack your lips around more than regular lipstick. But if you apply it with your finger, the warmth from your finger will get the chunks melted and smoothed out. by itself, it isn’t usually very shiny, so I recommend putting a layer of clear lipgloss overtop of your lipstick.
whoa this is like SOOOOOOOOOO cool!